0.3.1 for Minecraft 1.7.10
This mod allows you to view basic info about a clicked link before you open it. For a normal website, it will show the title of the webpage and where it redirects to, if any. There are a few websites that have special behavior.
Supported Websites
Youtube: For Youtube videos, all the info about the video will be shown. Title, uploader, length, comment count, rating, and the thumbnail will appear. It should work even if it's a redirect.
Images: Images will not show anything at first, but there will be a button at the bottom of the screen that will toggle showing the image onscreen.
Downloads and other Links
- Download for 1.7.10: Link_Info-mc1.7.10-0.3.1
- Download for 1.7.2: Link_Info-mc1.7.2-0.2
- MinecraftForum thread is here
- LiteLoader mod page: http://www.liteloader.com/mod/linkinfo
Installation is just like any other LiteLoader mod.
- Download and install LiteLoader for the correct version
Future Plans
- Support Imgur Albums
- Support Tweets
- Make info user customizable via configs